Additionally, I understand the following:
After failure to attend class the first week, the school will attempt to contact the student via email and phone. It will then become the student's responsibility to provide written notice to the school to cancel enrollment. If a registered student attends a single class, but is absent from every day of class forward, and has failed to notify Oregon Medical Training, PCS of the intended withdrawal after completion of 50% or more of the program, the student will forfeit registration, supply fee (if given supplies) and 50% tuition.
The tuition charges will accrue based on hours that the program is offered by the school and that I have contracted/scheduled to attend, rather than my actual attendance
That any refund calculation is based on my last date of physical attendance.
Per OAR 715-0045-0008, Advanced Deposits, "Prior to the beginning of classes, no private career school shall require from an enrollee an advance deposit in excess of twenty (20) percent of the total tuition and fees
Schools that offer short-term programs designed to be completed in 1 term or 4 months, whichever is less, can require payment of all tuition and fees on the first day instruction begins
For those programs designed to be 4 months or longer, a school cannot require more than one term or 4 months of advanced payment of tuition at a time. When 50% of the program has been offered, the school can require payment of all tuition
This limitation shall not apply to federal and state financial aid payments received by the school
At the student's option, a school may accept payment in full for tuition and fees after the student has been accepted and enrolled and the date for commencement of classes is specifically disclosed on the enrollment agreement
Any inquiry a student may have regarding this contract may be made in writing to:
Oregon Medical Training, PCS, 1126 Gateway Loop, Suite 108, Springfield, OR 97477
Or to the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission:
255 Capitol St. NE, Salem, OR 97310
or by calling (503) 947-5751